Ramadan in Dubai deals & gorgeous! How to enjoy the special season ...

Exoticism packed! How fun of Arab travel of Ramadan period unique ...

Ramadan in Dubai deals & gorgeous! How to enjoy the special season ... Do you will think of what I heard Ramadan? You might unfamiliar words so much in Japan, 0 years I think we had even those who encountered the word Ramadan in the news that former sumo wrestlers large sandstorm of Muslims celebrated the Honbasho while fasting . The Ramadan, which means the month of the Islamic calendar. Sometimes I think that the [Ramadan = fasting], but is an expression close to the correct answer is more of the [Ramadan = month of fasting]. When Ramadan begins, will now often see the word Holy month with a message between the flyers and friends of the city. This is because just Ramadan is [holy month] for Muslims. By the way, do you know what the purpose of the fasting in Ramadan. By performing the fasting from sunrise to sunset, snuggle on the feelings of those in need, greed, such as smoking also self-restraint, and modesty also be flashy. Strengthen the sense of solidarity by performing them with everyone, it also will be to cleanse your own body and soul. When asked fasting and harsh image is ahead, but Muslim friend says [Ramadan is fun].

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